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Garryduff Primary School, Ballymoney

News - P6-7

2022/2023 School Year

4th May 2023
We all enjoyed our coronation lunch today!
25th Apr 2023
Our P4-7 , award winning choir, taking part in the hymn singing class at Coleraine...
25th Apr 2023
Enjoy listening to our award P4-7 award winning choir singing “songs from the...
31st Mar 2023
Thank you to the Eco and School Council for organising our fun day to end off term...
31st Mar 2023
Everyone loved searching and finding their eggs along with their partners!
31st Mar 2023
We love spending time together as a whole school, singing together. Here is a little...
24th Mar 2023
Since P4/5 were away for the day visiting the Titanic Centre, we all enjoying Golden...
22nd Mar 2023
Lots of success for the girls this week as they won 4 of their 5 matches at their...
21st Mar 2023
We were represented at the local heats of the STEM Challenge this week. 
2nd Mar 2023
We loved having P6/7 coming to read us some of their favourite picture books.