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Garryduff Primary School, Ballymoney

News - P4-5

2018/2019 School Year

14th Nov 2018
Today P4 and P5 completed some space challenges to discover if they have the skills...
9th Nov 2018
P1/2 has a real treat this week when two pupils from P5 wrote them story books. They...
7th Nov 2018
This half term we are focusing on dance and moving to music in PE. For our first...
26th Oct 2018
Today we celebrated Harvest time.  P7 pupils led our assembly and every pupil...
22nd Oct 2018
P5/6 enjoyed their final cookery afternoon today. They were very creative - decorating...
19th Oct 2018
Lots of fun had again this week during Golden Time! 
17th Oct 2018
As part of our topic work this week we designed, made and launched rockets 🚀  No...
9th Oct 2018
This week we were working in groups to create music to depict the planet we had chosen. We...
8th Oct 2018
Everyone enjoyed making savoury and sweet pizzas during after school cookery Club.
1st Oct 2018
We were very busy today making fifteens.... or should that be sixes??!!