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Garryduff Primary School, Ballymoney

News - P4-5

2018/2019 School Year

10th Apr 2019
Primary 4 and 5 continued their ice investigations today. They used the reaction...
8th Apr 2019
P4 and P5 had lots of fun today doing some experiments with ice as part of their...
28th Mar 2019
Our choirs had a great day performing at the festival. Both choirs were placed first...
14th Mar 2019
Thank you for all your fundraising.  We really appreciate all you do for us! 
14th Mar 2019
We had a great night celebrating 30 years of the PTA at Garryduff! Special guests...
13th Mar 2019
P4 and P5 are doing lots of investigating this week.  They are learning about...
8th Mar 2019
We had a great day celebrating World Book Day today in school! Have a look at all...
7th Mar 2019
P4 and P5 had fun today drawing and painting a large picture of Titanic to use as...
1st Mar 2019
We welcomed David McMillan to our Assembly today. He came to tell us about his adventures...
1st Mar 2019
A final day of making and selling brought a very successful week to an end.   An...