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Garryduff Primary School, Ballymoney

News - P4-5

2018/2019 School Year

3rd May 2019
We had a real treat in assembly today!  Miss Beattie told us all about her...
12th Apr 2019
We all enjoyed working together to find our chocolate eggs! Thank you to Mrs...
11th Apr 2019
We enjoyed a delicious Easter Lunch today - Chicken Burgers with lettuce and mayonnaise,...
11th Apr 2019
We all had lots of fun today making and eating our shredded wheat Easter Nests...
10th Apr 2019
Primary 4 and 5 realised that today was exactly 107 years to the day that Titanic...
10th Apr 2019
Mrs Cochrane set us a challenge to build a model of Titanic out of Lego. We had...
10th Apr 2019
Primary 4 and 5 continued their ice investigations today. They used the reaction...
8th Apr 2019
P4 and P5 had lots of fun today doing some experiments with ice as part of their...
28th Mar 2019
Our choirs had a great day performing at the festival. Both choirs were placed...
14th Mar 2019
Thank you for all your fundraising.  We really appreciate all you do for us! ...